Saturday, October 31, 2009

Speed up Revit FBX Renderings in Max Design

A simple change in the DesignVIZ options can vastly improve mental ray Pre-Processing when rendering scenes imported from Revit FBX files.
In Notepad, open the file "CurrentDefaults.ini in your local User's files (typically at C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMaxDesign\2010 - 32bit\enu\defaults\DesignVIZ.mentalray\CurrentDefaults.ini").
Search for the parameter 'DontRepeatRefMsg' and change it's value from 0 to 1.
Four lines down is the parameter 'InvalidateTMOptimization' and change it's parameter from 0 to 1. You should now have:
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Pre-Processing at the start of mental ray rendering should now happen in a few seconds instead of minutes.
You have to restart Max to accept the change. You should also edit the DesignVIZ.mentalray preset at your program installation folder, usually "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max Design 2010\Defaults\DesignVIZ.mentalray\FactoryDefaults\CurrentDefaults.ini"
Be sure to do the editing for both x32 and x64 if you have both installed. Editing the INI file in the Max installation folder prevents a change if you choose an option from the "Customize>Custom UI and Defaults Switcher".

Source website:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hotel Booking

If you are in need of a hotel room, click the link below to find the best deals on hotel rooms. - Hotel Search Engine

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Enable the Administrator Account In Vista Home Premium

  1. Go To Start > Accessories > Command Prompt
    Right-click on the icon “Command Prompt” and choose “Run-As Administrator”
  2. A DOS box will appear.
  3. Type the following
    1. net user administrator /active:yes
      (this will enable the administrator account)
    2. net user administrator /active:no
      (this will disable the administrator account)
    3. net user administrator password
      (this will set the password on the account)
      (in this example “password” is the password)
    4. net user
      (this will list all the user accounts on the system)